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Another Tibetan has set himself on fire and died to protest Chinese policies in Tibet.



Monday 2012/10/22

The great monastery town of Labrang experienced its first self-immolation protest on Monday, October 22, when 61-year-old Dhondup burned himself at a Stupa on the main road near the monastery.





Chinese security officials have launched a crackdown on campaigners, democracy activists and lawyers in bid to silence dissent ahead of next month's once-in-a-decade leadership transition, activists say.




尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的一项调查发现,大多数中国人认为,中国正朝着正确的方向发展,不过,人们对腐败和食品安全等问题的不满日益加重,对美国式民主的好感正日渐强烈。


An exile group says the new Uyghur-language news portal is a Chinese government propaganda tool.

The burning protest highlights the issue of rising forced evictions in China.

An elderly man in the central province of Hunan set fire to himself in an anti-eviction protest this week, eyewitnesses said Tuesday amid reports that forced evictions in China have accelerated and remain a key cause of popular discontent.
