News & Views

Wang Cheng, a Chinese lawyer who has galvanized support for ending China’s forced-labor prison system, was detained as he attempted to board a plane to Hong Kong. Wang gathered over 10 thousand signatures in support of abolishing the laojiao system.

Leading Human rights groups on China, Sudan, Pakistan, women's rights, children's rights, and other topics will join together for a news conference on December 10, 2012 to commemorate Human Rights Day, when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the United Nations on December 10, 1948.







Chinese police beat up and detain demonstrators following another self-immolation.

Tibetan student protests against Chinese rule spread Wednesday in Qinghai province as another Tibetan burned himself to death to signal opposition to Beijing's policy.

Relations with China and Russia, double standards in EU human rights policy and the impact of the economic crisis on human rights were raised by human rights subcommittee MEPs in their discussion with Stavros Lambrinidis about his mandate and working priorities.

WHAT does a pet grooming service in Florida have to do with Chinese internet censorship? Every day, China's government subtly redirects swathes of its citizens to the website of a small pet spa in Miami offering beauty treatments for dogs and cats - though it is a mystery why.

Washington DC: November 28, 2012. (PCP) 2012 Human Rights Day – News Conference organized by REAL will highlight “Universal Human Rights, Dignity, and Compassion for All,” including Film on China Human Rights







