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〔記者陳慧萍/台北報導〕中共總書記習近平上台後力推「改作風」、「打貪腐」,意圖塑造「新人新 象」。旅美中國異議人士吳弘達昨表示,任何了解中共獨裁本質的人,都不會相信共產黨能夠真正改革;他說,台灣對中國的獨裁本質不夠警覺,若要和這樣的對手 博弈,必須嚴肅面對、了解中國。


January 29, 2012. Harry Wu, the founder and executive director of Laogai Research Foundation, was interviewed by CNN on January 15. Harry Wu talked about his Laogai experience and his thoughts on the prospects of China's Laojiao reform in particular and the Laogai system in general.

Satellite images available on Google Earth reveal North Korea's vast network of gulags. Although the North Korean government denies that such camps exist, human rights organizations estimate that around 200,000 North Koreans are incarcerated in gulags.



更新时间 2013年1月25日, 格林尼治标准时间15:06

(Washington, DC) – The Chinese government’s further tightening of internet controls and mandating real name registration threaten security and privacy of internet users.

Taipei, Jan. 23 (CNA) President Ma Ying-jeou said on World Freedom Day Wednesday that his administration hopes that dialogue between Taiwan and China can extend beyond economic and trade issues to encompass human rights and the rule of law.


甘肃省甘南州夏河县博拉乡26岁的藏人贡觉嘉(Konchok Kyab),又名贡贝于星期二在博拉寺附近自焚,抗议中国当局的政策,当场身亡,成为第九十九位藏区自焚者。


