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【西 藏之声2013年2月13日报导】为了抗议中共政府强权高压统治政策,仅在藏历2139年,在西藏境内共有78名藏人点火自焚表达抗议,包括12名女 性,3名中学生,其中已得知70人牺牲。几乎所有自焚藏人一致高呼“西藏要自由”和“允许达赖喇嘛返回西藏”等口号,也有少数自焚藏人呼唤西藏独立的口 号,不管是前者还是后者,都表达着一个最基本的、最合理的诉求,但中共却动用军警进行严厉的镇压。

更新时间 2013年2月13日, 格林尼治标准时间11:12

Chinese officials are forcing Uyghur farmers to perform forced labor under the justification of promoting “national unity.” Farmers who refuse to work are forced to pay fines. The money collected from these fines is then used to pay ethnic Han Chinese to perform the same work.

At the Donation Ceremony on February 7th, 2013, at the Laogai Museum in Washington DC, Michael Rogatchi's Year 1953 painting has been unveiled and donated to this extraordinary human rights institution in the presence of the Museum Founder and its Executive President Harry Wu and the distiguished audience was comprised of representativ

A Uyghur mother has been held pending trial for eight months on account of her efforts to obtain justice against individuals who kidnapped her son. She had previously spent time in a “black jail” after petitioning authorities in Dalian to probe possible links between an organized crime syndicate and her son’s disappearance.


流亡西藏官民星期四在印度首都新德里举行大型示威游行活动,抗议中国政府在西藏的高压政策,同时在印度各宗教领袖的参与下为自焚藏人举行了 祈福会。藏人行政中央司政还与数名印度知名政要就西藏局势举行了研讨会。此外,四川阿坝两名藏人在星期四被中国当局以故意杀人罪判处死缓及十年徒刑。


图片: 七千多名流亡藏人参与和平示威游行活动。 (记者丹珍拍摄)




图片: 群众声援《南方周末》。 (法新社资料图片)

The International Business Times is reporting that the Canadian Parliament's Human Rights Panel plans to investigate Tibetan self-immolations.
