News & Views

Deng Yuwen, A well-known editor and Communist Party member, was recently suspended from his position as Deputy Editor of the Study Times, an influential government publication, for writing an editorial critical of the Chinese government’s support for North Korea.

Former US President Jimmy Carter urged the Nepali government not to accede to Chinese demands to prevent Tibetans from leaving China by harassing them at the Nepali border.

Police arrested Liu Hui, brother-in-law of Liu Xiaobo, on fraud charges stemming from a real estate transaction dispute. As authorities lack evidence that Liu committed a crime and the parties to the dispute already settled the matter privately, it seems clear that the arrest is a pretext to further harass the Nobel Prize winner’s family.

Chinese hackers have created new Android spyware in order to gain access to the phones of Chinese dissidents and foreign human rights activists. Although the Chinese have long hacked PCs, Macs, and email accounts, this large-scale attack on Android phones is a new development.

According to former Chinese state nuclear physicist He Zuoxiu, a lack of experience, the frequent use of imprudent cost cutting measures, and a drive to rapidly increase the number of nuclear power plants makes China prone to experience a nuclear disaster in the coming decades.

In his first visit to Russia since assuming the presidency, Xi Jinping met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow this week. The trip bolstered diplomatic ties between the two countries and culminated in a deal to supply China with Russian oil in order to help satisfy China’s growing demand for fuel.

 2013年3月23日, 格林尼治标准时间06:16
