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BEIJING -- A Chinese magazine's report on abuses at a notorious labor camp is giving reformers added ammunition in a campaign to abolish a part of the penal system that China's government says needs change.

A Chinese court in Tibet Autonomous Region sentenced four Tibetans on charges of “inciting separatism.” The sentences range from three to six years imprisonment.

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国际特赦东亚部负责人阮柔安(roseann rife)4月10日对美国之音说,死刑人数是中国保密法规定的国家机密,至于原因,她不便猜测。不过阮柔安认为,可以明确的是,中国当局表示要慎重杀人和少杀人。

Chinese officials have detained 10 people for allegedly spreading rumors about the spread of bird flu. 9 people have died out of a confirmed 33 cases of this latest flu. Reported cases have been confined to eastern China, and the disease is not thought to spread through human-to-human transmission. 

In an effort to display the new leadership's alleged commitment to fighting corruption, the Chinese government officially charged Li Zhijun, the former railways minister, with corruption and abuse of power.

Authorities in Yinan County, Shandong Province are engaging in a campaign to harass the 4-year old son of Chen Guangcheng's nephew. Most recently, officials removed the boy from his kindergarten class, and a family member noticed a man in a helmet following him as he dropped the boy off at school.
