News & Views

The Laogai Research Foundation is holding a photo exhibition in Taipei, Taiwan until June 30. Click here for Radio Free Asia's Chinese language coverage of the event.

New York- The Chinese government has sent over 20,000 officials to Tibetan territory in order to undertake intrusive surveillance of people, carry out wide-spread re-education and establish partisan security units.  These tactics restrict the Tibetans freedom of opinion and religion.

Xi Jinping, the leader of the CPC (Communist Party of China) has explained to press that his campaign will cleanup undesirable work styles such as formalism,bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance.  The main focus of his campaign is to build desirable work styles.




Blind dissident lawyer Chen Guangcheng released a statement Monday explaining his reasons for leaving NYU. Chen claims that the Chinese Communist Party placed "unrelenting pressure on New York University" in order to force his departure. He went on to assert, "Academic independence and academic freedom in the United States are being greatly threatened by a totalitarian regime."

The foreign ministries of of China and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) will hold a strategic meeting on Wednesday in Beijing.  The DPRK has talked with the United States  "to defuse tension and realize regional peace and security on the Korean Peninsula." 

MASANJIA, China — The cry for help, a neatly folded letter stuffed inside a package of Halloween decorations sold at Kmart, traveled 5,000 miles from China into the hands of a mother of two in Oregon.

Edward Snowden, 29 year old government contractor leaked secrets of the NSA (National Security Agency) to The Guardian and The Washington Post.  Edward is leaving his fate in the hands of the people of Hong Kong.  
