Statements About Yu Ling's Litigation

Submitted by Anonymous on

Releases Date: 

Thu, 10/27/2011

With the coordination of attorneys of both sides, the case of Yu Ling et al v. Harry Wu, Laogai Research Foundation, Yahoo! Human Rights Fund and Yahoo! Human Rights Organization will soon come to an end. The case has taken a long time:  more than a year from May or June 2010 when Yu Ling hired a lawyer to start the case, nine months from January 2011 when Yu Ling's last lawyer submitted the accusation to court, and six months from April 2011 when Yu Ling's lawyer withdrew the complaint seeking a peaceful settlement.

Now that the case, which has harmed the Laogai Research Foundation and Harry Wu, is on the brink of settlement, we make the following statements: 

  • 1)      In 2007, with the help of the Laogai Research Foundation and Harry Wu, Yu Ling received as much as compensation $ 3.2 million in compensation from the Yahoo! Inc. Adhering to a previous commitment, she donated $ 1 million to the Laogai Research Foundation. For security reasons, she entrusted Harry Wu to be temporarily responsible for keeping the remaining $2.2 million in the United States. Neither Harry Wu nor anyone in the Laogai Research Foundation has ever held any doubt that this $ 2.2 million is Yu Ling's personal assets; it is only according to this agreement that we managed the money on behalf of the owner Yu Ling.
  • 2)      Yu Ling voluntarily donated $1 million to support the Laogai Research Foundation, thereby also supporting the cause of democracy in China, and we, as the benefactor, expressed gratitude. In late 2010 when Yu Ling requested have the donation returned, we, with strict respect for the wishes of the donor, actively took steps to return the money. 
  • 3)      Therefore, we have no objection to either the transfer of the management of Yu’s assets, or to the return of her money. In view of this, our side has always maintained that we could resolve the issue on our own without having to spend time, effort and money in court.
  • 4)      Another reason that we too do not wish to dwell on the litigation is that we are considerate of the interests and feelings of Yu Ling, and especially those of her husband Wang Xiaoning, who still remains in prison. Prolonged litigation would consume a huge amount of energy and money, which is contradictory to our original intention to help the victims of the Laogai.
  • 5)      No matter whether Yu Ling knew, or even actively participated in it, some persons on her side adopted uncivilized and immoral practices to spread rumors, causing great harm to our side. However, as a human rights organization, we endure in silence the misunderstandings and grievances, and never give up on our commitment to support China’s victims of tyranny, even during the worst days and under the heaviest pressure.
  • 6)      Since May, 2010, Laogai Research Foundation has been victim of several misunderstandings, accusations, and even abuses. However, at the same time we continue to have emotional and moral support from both mainland China and overseas Chinese communities. To these supporters, old and new, we express our sincere gratitude.
  • 7)      To the small number of gossips and malicious slanderers, we express great contempt, and we will not give up our right to defend ourselves by means of law if necessary.
  • 8)      Although we experienced this regretful litigation, we will not be dismayed or even lose our confidence. We will continue to support advocacy for human rights and democracy in China. We firmly believe that as long as we endeavor with undaunted perseverance, we will ultimately usher in the dawn of freedom.


Laogai Research Foundation