Tibetan Filmmaker Sentenced to Six Years

Submitted by Nicole on

Reporters Without Borders has reported that Tibetan filmmaker Dhondup Wangchen was sentenced to six years in prison on December 28, 2009 in a court in Xining, the capital of Qinghai Province, a region with a large Tibetan population which is also known by its original Tibetan name, Amdo.  Wangchen was most likely imprisoned for directing “Leaving Fear Behind,” a documentary featuring interviews with ordinary Tibetans from all over the region. Wangchen’s family was kept in the dark regarding the charges against him, though there are severe concerns for his health as the authorities have denied him treatment for his hepatitis B.  

Prior to receiving his sentence, Wangchen was held without charge for 19 months.  His lawyer, Li Dunyong, was replaced with a government-appointed lawyer in July 2009.  Li has told Tibetan authorities that Wangchen was tortured in order to extract a confession.  Jigme Gyatso, who worked as Wangchen’s assistant while making the film, was detained in March 2008, and released on October 15, 2008.  He reported that he had been tortured while in prison, but was not formally sentenced.  Wangchen has until January 7 to appeal.  

The Laogai Museum screened “Leaving Fear Behind” as part of a special exhibition on Tibet in Spring 2009.  You can watch the film after the jump.