The Past Repeats Itself

Submitted by michael.lrf on

A protester from Heilongjiang, was arrested in Tiananmen Square for throwing paint on Chairman Mao's portrait, the Telegraph reports.

"The audacious attack echoes the 1989 Tiananmen Square protest when three young men threw ink-filled eggs at the portrait in a gesture of defiance against China' Communist ruling party that resonated around the world." A photograph of their attack is seen at right with LRF founder and executive director Harry Wu.

The famous Mao portrait's last attack was in 2007, "when Gu Haiou, a 35-year-old man from the far western province of Xinjiang, threw a burning object at the picture scorching the lower-left hand corner."

Apparently, "a spare that is always kept on hand for such eventualities."  For more see the Telegraph.