Facebook is a Huge Failure...

Submitted by michael.lrf on

...in China, that is.  According to Facebook's latest statistics as reported by the China Realtime Report (h/t China Digital Times), the website only has 14,000 active users in China - out of China's over 298 million users total.

Facebook's dismal outlook in China is perhaps more of a testiment to the Communist Party's distate for free forums and uncensored status updates than Facebook's inability to capture the imagination of Chinese users -- afterall, in July of this year, Facebook had a million active users in China.  Unlike other notable corporations who willingly impede freedom of speech (Google), or worse, cooperate with the CCP to track and turn over political dissidents (Cisco and Yahoo, respectively), Facebook has apparently taken a higher road.

The price Facebook will pay for not censoring users (at least to the extent the Chinese government would require), is joining the ranks of other popular websites which encourage users to express themselves - politically, personally, or otherwise. That list, compiled by Lost Laowai, follows after the jump:

Bit.ly (URL shortening service)
Post.ly (URL shortening service)
Yahoo Meme
iTweet.net (a twitter web app)
Twitzap (a twitter web app)
Dabr.co.uk (a twitter web app)
TwitterGadget (a tiny twitter app on iGoogle)
Blogger blogs
Wordpress free blogs
Typepad blogs
Opera blogs
Google’s Picasa Web Albums (log-in accessible, but borked thereafter)
Google Image search results (very frequent re-set connections)