China Upset, Again, Over Dalai Lama

Submitted by michael.lrf on

U.S. President Barack Obama will meet with the Dalai Lama, despite threats from China that the meeting "would further hurt already strained bilateral relations." The President, who "snubbed" a visit with the Dalai Lama back in late 2009, will meet with His Holiness, although a date still has not been set.

While China regards the Dalai Lama as a "dangerous separatist," the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, is known around the world as a "respected religious and cultural leader." The Dalai Lama wants Tibetans to be able to "freely practice their culture, language and religion under China's rule" - conditions that do not currently exist.

To aid in its control of Tibet and the repression of Tibetan human rights, the Chinese government extended its vast Laogai system into Tibet. According to the International Campaign for Tibet, "the Chinese government severely restricts the rights of Tibetans, including the freedoms of speech, press, association, and religion. Tibetan political prisoners endure harsh prison conditions and torture... Since 1949, hundreds of thousands have died as a direct result of China’s policies."

In October 2009, the Dalai Lama visited the Laogai Museum.  Watch his visit below: